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Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D
How to use Poliigon assets in Cinema 4D
33 articles
Poliigon Plugin for Cinema 4D
Physical Render
Using Poliigon textures in Cinema 4D with Physical Renderer
Using Poliigon overlays to add surface imperfections in Cinema 4D with the Physical Renderer
Using displacement textures in Cinema 4D with the Physical Renderer
Using Poliigon HDRs to light a scene in Cinema 4D with the Physical Renderer
Physical Render (Cinema 4D R20)
Using Poliigon textures in Cinema 4D R20 with the Physical Renderer
Using Poliigon overlays to add surface imperfections in Cinema 4D R20 with the Physical Renderer
Using Poliigon textures in Cinema 4D with Arnold
Using Poliigon overlays to add surface imperfections in Cinema 4D with Arnold
Using displacement textures in Cinema 4D with Arnold
Using Poliigon HDRs to light a scene in Cinema 4D with Arnold
Using Poliigon textures in Cinema 4D with Corona
Using Poliigon overlays to add surface imperfections in Cinema 4D with Corona
Using displacement textures in Cinema 4D with Corona
Using Poliigon HDRs to light a scene in Cinema 4D with Corona
Using Poliigon textures in Cinema 4D with Octane
Using Poliigon overlays to add surface imperfections in Cinema 4D with Octane
Using displacement textures in Cinema 4D with Octane
Using Poliigon HDRs to light a scene in Cinema 4D with Octane
Using Poliigon textures in Cinema 4D with Redshift
Using Poliigon overlays to add surface imperfections in Cinema 4D with Redshift
Using displacement textures in Cinema 4D with Redshift
Using Poliigon HDRs to light a scene in Cinema 4D with Redshift
V-Ray Tutorials
Using Poliigon textures in Cinema 4D with V-Ray
Using Poliigon overlays to add surface imperfections in Cinema 4D with V-Ray
Using displacement textures in Cinema 4D with V-Ray
Using Poliigon materials in Cinema4D with Cycles4D
Using Poliigon surface imperfections in Cinema4D with Cycles4D
Using Poliigon Displacement textures in Cinema4D with Cycles4D
Using Poliigon HDRs in Cinema4D with Cycles4D
Other Tutorials
Using Poliigon models in Cinema 4D
Using Poliigon textures in Cinema 4D with ProRender
How to use Poliigon Textures in Cinema 4D