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Poliigon Blender Addon
Poliigon Blender Addon

How to install and use the new Poliigon Addon for Blender

Updated over 3 weeks ago

(View changelogs / last release date)
Works in Blender 2.83+, including 4.x
Currently supports: Cycles, Eevee, and Eevee Next

How to Install and Use the Addon

Installation (Blender 4.2+):

Option 1: Drag and drop install

  1. Download the .zip file to any location. (DO NOT extract the zip file)

  2. Drag and drop it into Blender

  3. Be sure to keep the boxes ticked for Overwrite and Enable on Install

  4. In the 3D viewport, press ‘N’ to open the side panel in the viewport

  5. Click on the Poliigon Addon tab.

Option 2: User preferences install

  1. Download the .zip file to any location. (DO NOT extract the zip file)

  2. In Blender, navigate to Edit -> Preferences. Then the Add-ons tab (not to be confused with "Extensions").

  3. Click the top-right dropdown, and select Install from Disk...

  4. Select the .zip file from your local machine (pro-tip: you can drag and drop the zip into the browse popup to get the path)

  5. Make sure the addon is displayed in the list and enabled (search for "Poliigon" if needed)

  6. In the 3D viewport, press ‘N’ to open the side panel in the viewport

  7. Click on the Poliigon Addon tab.

Installation (Blender 2.83 - 4.1):

  1. Download the .zip file to any location. (DO NOT extract the zip file)

  2. In Blender, navigate to Edit -> Preferences. Then the Addons tab.

  3. Hit the install button, locate the zip and install the zip file.

  4. Make sure the addon is displayed in the list and enabled (search for "Poliigon" if needed)

  5. In the 3D viewport, press ‘N’ to open the side panel in the viewport

  6. Click on the Poliigon Addon tab.

How to update

For Blender 4.2+, you can follow the same process as installation. Drag and drop, with the "overwrite" option ticked.

For Blender 2.83-4.1, we recommend going to edit > preferences > addons, and uncheck the box next to the addon name. Then proceed to install the new version as directed above. If you experience any errors updating, we recommend fully removing the addon (see next section), restarting Blender, then installing as before.

How to uninstall

No longer want to use the addon, or had an install issue and want to cleanly remove it before trying again? See the following steps:

  1. In blender, go to edit > preferences, addons, and search for Poliigon (or click the gear icon in the addon)

  2. Expand the Poliigon Addon item, and press the "Remove" button

    1. Alternatively, you can simply uncheck the box next to the addon name. This will only disable the addon, not uninstall it, making it easier to start using again later. If you are troubleshooting however, you should try and fully remove the addon.

  3. Ensure all versions of Blender are closed.

  4. Delete your Poliigon Blender settings folder, found at: C:\Users\{username}\Poliigon\blender or /Users/{username}/Poliigon/blender on Mac/Linux

  5. Optional: if you don’t intend to use any Poliigon software going forward, you can also safely delete the C:\Users\{username}\Poliigon\OnlinePreviews folder. If you used the default location for Poliigon downloads, you can retain or move your already downloaded assets at C:\Users\{username}\Poliigon\Library.

Indepth How-To:


First released in summer of 2022, this addon allows you to browse, purchase, download, and import Poliigon assets all without ever leaving Blender. It supports loading textures, models, and HDRs, and more recently supports generating blender files for use in the Blender Asset Browser.

User Account Setup

After installing the addon, you can go into the 3D view to log into your Poliigon account. Open the sidebar by pressing "n", and clicking on the Poliigon tab.

  1. If you haven’t already, select the Poliigon tab in the (n) side panel of the 3D viewport

  2. Click on "Login via Browser"

  3. A webpage will open. If you are not already logged in, go ahead and complete the login

  4. Once you are presented with the "Return to the addon" screen, go back to Blender

  5. Confirm or change default Poliigon library folder. This is where files will download to and import from*

You can also sign in using your email if you prefer:

  1. If you haven’t already, select the Poliigon tab in the side panel.

  2. Enter in your username and password, the same one you would use for the website.

  3. Press Log In

  4. Confirm or change default Poliigon library folder. This is where files will download to and import from*

* You can select add additional library folders in user preferences at any time

Poliigon Unlimited Plans

If you have an unlimited plan active, the addon behaves differently in a few ways:

  • You'll see an unlimited icon instead of an asset balance

  • You can directly (re)download and import any asset without limits

  • You will not be able to preview textures - instead, just download them directly

  • The My Assets tab will not be populated with assets first downloaded while on an unlimited plan, but pre-existing purchases will still be available here for ease

  • Instead of green checkmarks for owned assets, you'll find a blue icon to indicate assets which are detected locally

Navigating the Addon

Section Buttons

The addon’s UI is separated into sections, listed below from left to right.

  • Show Poliigon Assets (Online Library)

  • Show My Assets (Owned Assets)

  • Show Imported Assets (Assets currently loaded into the scene)

  • Account Details (Account-related Settings)

  • Addon Preferences (Gear icon off to right: Shortcut to the addon in User Preferences)

  • Pressing on the asset balance top right is another shortcut to the Account tab.

Poliigon Assets Section

Searching & Filtering

The search bar allows you to refine the search by category (e.g. Textures, Models) and subcategories (e.g. Bricks, Modern). Initially, it will only show one button, then more will be added as subcategories become available.

The results displayed will be identical to the website.

Asset Boxes

The buttons underneath each asset will change depending on whether or not the asset is purchased or downloaded.


  • Eye Icon - This Quick Preview allows you to apply a low-resolution, watermarked preview to the selected object. (Only applicable for materials currently)

  • Download - This will download the asset at the default* resolution.

  • Down Arrow - This Quick Menu allows you to view a larger thumbnail and quickly open the asset online.

* Default settings can be changed in the addon settings, click the gear icon.


  • Download - If purchased but currently not downloaded, this button will download the asset to your Addon's primary library folder.

  • Import/Apply - If already downloaded, this will import the asset into Blender. If this is a material asset and an object is selected, it will read as Apply, and will automatically apply the material to the selected object. If no object is selected, it will load the material into memory with a fake user but not apply it. Models always import as new objects into the scene

  • Down Arrow - This Quick Menu allows you Import/Download different resolutions of the asset, as well as open the folder locally.

Show my Assets Section

Same functionality as the main Poliigon Assets Section, however, results are limited to assets already purchased.

Show Imported Assets Section

Similar functionality to the main Poliigon Assets Section, however, results are limited to assets currently imported to Blender (Either applied to an object, or stored in memory via a fake user). This section not offer options to download or apply new resolutions.

Account Details Section

Your Plan

  • Displays Subscription Details, including current status including paused or nonrenewing

  • Subscribe Now / View Details - This button will open your browser at the appropriate page to purchase/edit a subscription

Settings Button

Opens the Poliigon Addon preferences directly. Also accessible from Edit > Preferences > Addon, and then by searching for Poliigon

Addon Preferences

To access the addon’s preferences navigate to the Edit -> Preferences -> Addons section, and then find the Poliigon addon. Or, click the cog icon in the Poliigon 3d view panel. Below are details of what each option does.

Library + additional directories section

  • Library - Main root folder for the addon to use when downloading assets

  • Additional Libraries - Allows you to specify additional directories to scan for download assets. (Note - Only Poliigon assets are supported currently.)

Asset Browser Preferences

  • Library Name - The name the addon will create or search for in the blender File Paths section for library paths. This will be the display name of the Poliigon library in the Blender Asset Browser

  • Synchronize Local Assets - A button which kicks off creating the library and processing assets to display in the library.

Display Preferences

  • Thumbnail size - Changes how large to make the thumbnails displayed in the 3D panel grid viewer

  • Assets Per Page - How many assets to show per page in the main UI.

    • Note: We suggest using a page size of 10 or smaller for the best stability

  • Refresh data - (v1.2+) Force a full refresh of icons and addon internal data, also available as a refresh icon in the 3D view panel next to the search bar

Textures Settings

  • Default texture resolution - The default (closest) resolution size to download and import. For any given asset, you can still use the asset dropdown menu to pick another size to download or import different from the default.

  • Map Preferences

    • Similar to the Poliigon website, you have granular control over the extension and which files to include in downloads. These settings are also used to consider what files are necessary to perform imports. For this reason, be wary that changing these settings may require you to download new maps for assets you already have locally. Pressing download on such assets will only download the missing files, not necessarily the entire asset. These settings are only applicable for assets in our latest standards format.

    • Restore Web preferences: Pressing this button will reset each of the map preference settings below to match your current download settings on the website.

    • Map tickbox: Uncheck the box to skip downloading and importing this map; only available for "optional" maps, most maps are required for accurate material representation.

    • Extension dropdown: Select between JPG, PNG, Tiff (teams only aside from displacement maps), and Exr (enterprise only).

Model Settings

  • Download + Import .blend Files - If checked, will download blend files instead of FBXs, does not affect LODs

  • Link .blend files - If a blend file is available and the preference to prefer importing is checked, will aim to link objects instead of appending

  • Default Model Resolution - The default resolution that model textures will be downloaded in.

  • Download Model LODs - If checked, automatically download all Level of Detail FBX files with the model

  • Default Model LOD - Which Level of Detail to import, if LODs are already local. If NONE is selected, the default blend file will be imported. Otherwise, the according LOD FBX file will be imported.

HDRI Settings

  • Default HDRI Lighting Resolution - The default resolution for HDRI lighting, separate from background resolution.

  • Use JPG for background - If checked, the default import operation will a different background resolution as specified below

  • Default HDRI Background Resolution - The default background resolution for HDRIs if "Use JPG for background" is enabled. This value will only effect the scene background, not lighting. It is a way to improve background resolution without loading the memory heavy lighting EXR at the same resolution, but will face more clipping issues and not respond to scene exposure as well.

Other settings

  • Auto-Download Assets on Purchase - Toggle automatic asset downloading after a purchase.

  • Show purchase confirmation - when purchasing an asset, show an additional popup confirmation dialogue before performing the purchase

  • Disp. Method - The default surface bump and displacement method to use during importing. The options are as follows:

    • Normal Only: Only use the normal map for simulated bump surface details. Default option.

    • Bump Only: Use the displacement map instead of the normal map for simulated bump surface details. Only available for Cycles And Eevee Next.

    • Displacement and Bump: Use the displacement map for simulated bump surface details and physical displacement. Only available for Cycles And Eevee Next.

    • We previously had Micro (adaptive) Displacements as an option here, you can now choose to turn on Adaptive Displacement directly after importing a texture asset using the redo-last menu

  • Use 16 bit maps: If they exist, load the higher bit depth maps such as for normal map improved accuracy

  • Auto-check for update (daily): Checks for updates once per 24h (if Blender is open). You can also always press "Check for update".

  • Verbose logging to console: Enabled by default, adds additional debugging information into the output system console. Does not affect addon behavior.

  • Share addon errors/usage: Also available at time of log in. If enabled, automatically shares errors encountered inside the addon to developers. Additionally will send key events inside the addon, such as pressing operators or viewing sections, so that we may better understand its usage and improve performance. We do not send any usage behavior outside the Poliigon Addon itself.

Using Materials

Applying a material

  1. Select the object you would like to apply a material to.

  2. Click the “Apply” button on the material selection within the addon.

Material "Adjust last" / "Redo Last" settings

Right after importing or applying a material, look to the bottom left of the 3D view or press F9 to pull up the "adjust last" menu.

  • Texture - Pick another texture resolution (limited to sizes already local)

  • Mapping - Pick between different texture mapping options:

    • Built in mapping options including: UV, Flat, Box, Sphere, Tube

    • Mosaic: a special de-tiling node good for breaking up repetition (also available from the "Shift-A > Poliigon Node Groups" menu in the shader node editor).

  • Displacement method - Pick which displacement method to use (defaults to the choice in user preferences, which itself defaults to Normal Only)

    • Normal Only: Only use the normal map for simulated bump surface details. Default option.

    • Bump Only: Use the displacement map instead of the normal map for simulated bump surface details. Only available for Cycles And Eevee Next.

    • Displacement and Bump: Use the displacement map for simulated bump surface details and physical displacement. Only available for Cycles And Eevee Next.

    • Adaptive Displacement Only: Use the displacement map for geometric displacement only, and sets the material and applied object(s) up for pixel-perfect subdivision with a subdiv modifier. Cycles only.

  • Displacement strength - Adjust how much displacement to apply, measured in meters. Not visible if "Normal Only" is selected above.

  • Scale - Change the size multiplier for unwrapped mapping scale. Higher values increase the amount of tiling of the texture

  • 16-Bit textures (if any) - Load higher bitdepth maps, at the cost of extra memory

  • Reuse Material - If you already imported the material before at that same texture size and mapping combination, reuse that material instead of generating a new one

  • Keep Additional Texture Nodes - if there are other texture maps local but not directly connected to the shader output, such as ID maps or vertex blend color maps, keep them loaded in the material for ease of further use. Keeping these material maps will not impact render times if they remain disconnected.

Adjusting the imported material

To adjust the imported material, open the shading tab and locate the material node group. As of v1.6.0 and later, we now directly load the entire material without extra grouping of material nodes. A snippet of this example material layout is available below.

Ambient occlusion is connected but turned off by default, since it is not realistic or necessary for path traced rendering. Increase the Factor of the color mix node to apply it to your material when desired.

Exporting objects with materials for game engines, such as for gLTF, obj, or fbx? Disconnect the Ambient Occlusion node for best results, as otherwise the output file will fail to include the color map while other maps may be retained. Not all export formats will be able to retain all maps.

Poliigon Nodegroup (Legacy)

Previously, before v1.6.0 of the addon, materials would import into this legacy node group. Pre-existing saved materials and models downloaded from the website in blend format may still have this node group on import or reuse:

  • Scale - Adjust the scale of the material.

  • Aspect Ration - Adjustment for non-square textures, will be adjusted automatically on import.

  • Translate X, Y - Move the texture along the X, Y access, corresponding to the UV.

  • Global Rotation - Rotate the material, corresponding to the UV.

  • Color Hue, Saturation, Value, Brightness, and Contrast Adj. - Adjustment sliders

  • AO Strength - Adjust the amount of influence the ambient occlusion texture has.

  • Roughness Adj. - Adjustment to the roughness map.

  • Normal Strength - Adjustment to the normal map’s strength.

  • Displacement Strength - Adjust displacement strength (Defaults to ZERO!)

  • Displacement Mid-Level - Adjust the mid-level of the displacement.

  • Bump Strength - Adjust the strength of the bump map (Defaults to 0.005)

  • Subsurface Multiplier - Adjust the effect of the SSS map.

* Certain values may be missing depending on the material imported. For example, if the material doesn’t have an SSS map, no Subsurface Multiplier value will be listed.

Using Models

Importing a model

  • Set the 3D Cursor to the desired location

  • Click Import within the addon

  • View the F9/redo last menu for more options on how to import, such as to import models as collections, or to change to link models instead of append (not applicable if importing LODs)

Model redo last settings

Right after importing a model, look to the bottom left of the 3D view or press F9 to pull up the "redo last" menu.

  • LOD - If any LODs are available, import that using the settings below. Not available if using "Link .blend file". LODs always load FBXs on disk, not the source blend file, so you may find there are some material setting differences.

  • Texture - Change the model texture to load, only will display already downloaded model resolutions

  • Import as collection - If ticked, create a collection for this model at the origin of the scene, and place an instance of that collection. Future model imports will continue to reference that existing collection instead of performing new imports.

  • Reuse materials: - If you have already imported this model before, reuse the prior material instead of creating a new duplicate

  • Link .blend file - If a blend file is available, live link the model. If disabled, all operations will act like "append"

Using HDRs

Importing an HDR will automatically assign it to the active world, or create a new one if necessary. You will not see this HDR unless you go into the rendered mode, and you can see the node layout in the shader window after switching to World. HDRs are imported with two image inputs, depending on your user preferences

  • Light - A higher-depth EXR file used to actually light the scene.

  • Background - The JPG image to be visible in the background render.

HDR redo last settings

Right after importing an HDR, look to the bottom left of the 3D view or press F9 to pull up the "redo last" menu.

  • Light Texture - The EXR resolution size which will be used to light the scene

  • Background Texture - By default will use the Light Texture, but you can select another typically higher resolution JPG

  • HDR Strength - How strongly the lighting texture will light up the scene

  • Z-Rotation - Rotate the whole HDR using this slider

Blender Asset Browser integration

As of the addon version 1.4.0, there is now support for the Blender Asset Browser. Once you have synced your local, already downloaded assets, you will be able to easily drag and drop them into your scene. Poliigon blend files for the asset library are generated on the fly, using your current user preference default values for which size and setting variants to use when generating files. You will notice "_LIB.blend" files appearing adjacent to your assets, which allows for this integration to work. Where possible, model files will link to the source blend file to avoid data duplication.

See the section in the Poliigon addon's user preferences to get started, click "Synchronize Local Assets" to generate the library. Broader support for the asset browser is planned.

You can also sync a single asset at a time from the asset quick menu:

Other Information

  • We recommend you leave files and folder structures downloaded as-is without renaming, to avoid breaking connections with the addon. You may, though, move assets into subfolders of pre-existing libraries as much as you like, as the plugin will discover these folders recursively from added libraries.

  • Remember to always restart blender after performing any updates of the addon

  • If you run into issues, you can chat with help on this page using the chat bubble to connect with our support team.

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